Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Anodising Aluminium: Improving New iPhone Models and Other Products

"When the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus was first introduced in the market, users noticed and complained that their units, made of slim aluminium, tend to bend out of their original shape after being placed in their pockets. This tendency of most iPhone 6 and 6 Plus phones caused much uproar among Apple users, with these units earning much criticism due to their potential “bendability”. To ensure that Apple customers will no longer encounter this problem, popularly dubbed the “bend gate”, on their next generation smartphones, there are rumours that the iPhone 6S and the iPhone 7 will be made of the same materials used in the recently released Apple Watch Sport edition, which involves expertly anodising the aluminium with tint zirconia beads for a stronger phone. These anodised materials are said to be 60 per cent stronger than most common, untreated aluminium and just as lightweight."

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